Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chapbook Update

So I'm going to do this the best I can; chicken pecking at my tablet while my laptop gets repaired. There should be a PSA about the importance of backing up your work. Right now I feel like a part of me is lost somewhere off of Mishawaka Avenue...waiting for strangers to recover it. And hopefully that will be the case. But for now I will discuss the progress of my chapbook project. 
I think it is coming along just great. I took a temporary hiatus over break from writing much, but everything before that has seemed to be working well as singular pieces and together as a whole. I have some poems like "Sixth of August" and "Conveyor Belts" that don't mesh as well visually, but I think  one or two moments of straying from my standard form might be beneficial to keeping things fresh. I think my theme seems to be holding up, and in poems like "Morals" and "Snapped" I hear my voice in a way that is much clearer than some of my other work. I'm really enjoying doing this, and looking through old letters and pictures to try and bring original ideas to the table...which is difficult when writing about war and everything that comes with it. That is probably my biggest struggle. What can I say about this that hasn't already been said? Is there anything left to cover? I guess that is everybody's problem really. Hasn't everything already been said or in some way acknowledged at least once? 

My title right now is: Snapped

On a June Day
Disconnected at the Hips
Conveyor Belts
Veteran's Day
The Sixth of August
Dinner Table Conversations
Shed Town
Combat Jack
Observations Made While Running on a Treadmill at Fort Gordon
Fort Bragg

****this is all very rough

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