Wednesday, March 26, 2014

12 Minute Poem


I'd like to use somebody else's

Preferably yours

Holding me like
a screwdriver

Keeping us
in place

When we egg drop

Crack and disconnect
like static

Scattering the outside
of a balloon

Electrical residue
catching our tongues

Like falling gospel


Out of holy water
like a remedy

Run Wild (by Chad Forbregd)

Once I was little. I said my prayers,
I took my vitamins,
and yet I still went wrong.
The truth is, Cleopatra was Greek,
not Egyptian.
She liked her coffee fiery,
bolt cutter strong.
Once, after a shower,
I saw her without makeup.
Like dreams she looked real.
She moved like an animal
or child. Like a shark
she swims backwards in secret.
She liked Miller 64
and lightening bugs.
Her eyes were an extension of the atmosphere.
The truth is sometimes my loneliness gets lonely.
Lonely like the human heart
I have never had to resuscitate.
I spent my childhood saying
somethings in life are real enough for me.

I'm in love with the way this poem moves in and out of all these ideas that don't always relate, but work together in the weird world that has been created here. Chad just has the natural ability to wind around like this and land on lines like She liked her coffee fiery/bolt cutter strong or she swims backwards in secret. I'm always thoroughly impressed with Chad's poems and this was no exception. He keeps the same tone here as he does with other poems even though I believe this form differs from most of his others. His confident tone also increases how true his poems feel...even when it's not possible that they are. Well not for the most part. 

Individual Maze (by Elizabeth Miley)

When I die throw the rest of my
tea in my flower garden, but buy me more
every month.
Eat a tuna sandwich for me.
Visit Goodwill on their half-off day and find
me a turtle neck to put in my drawer.
Tell me some bad jokes they are my
Don’t sleep on my pillow I didn’t get to
wash it. Go to the beach with me and
bring someone new.
Please just try the tuna…
Don’t worry I just changed my oil.


There is something about the simplicity of this poem by Elizabeth that I just love.  There is so much that is said about this person, but really not much was said about them at all. The speaker is very aware of the self....even to the point that they are concerned with their unwashed pillow in a world where they no longer exist.  I just think this was very sweet and that it feels complete. 

Chapbook Update

So I'm going to do this the best I can; chicken pecking at my tablet while my laptop gets repaired. There should be a PSA about the importance of backing up your work. Right now I feel like a part of me is lost somewhere off of Mishawaka Avenue...waiting for strangers to recover it. And hopefully that will be the case. But for now I will discuss the progress of my chapbook project. 
I think it is coming along just great. I took a temporary hiatus over break from writing much, but everything before that has seemed to be working well as singular pieces and together as a whole. I have some poems like "Sixth of August" and "Conveyor Belts" that don't mesh as well visually, but I think  one or two moments of straying from my standard form might be beneficial to keeping things fresh. I think my theme seems to be holding up, and in poems like "Morals" and "Snapped" I hear my voice in a way that is much clearer than some of my other work. I'm really enjoying doing this, and looking through old letters and pictures to try and bring original ideas to the table...which is difficult when writing about war and everything that comes with it. That is probably my biggest struggle. What can I say about this that hasn't already been said? Is there anything left to cover? I guess that is everybody's problem really. Hasn't everything already been said or in some way acknowledged at least once? 

My title right now is: Snapped

On a June Day
Disconnected at the Hips
Conveyor Belts
Veteran's Day
The Sixth of August
Dinner Table Conversations
Shed Town
Combat Jack
Observations Made While Running on a Treadmill at Fort Gordon
Fort Bragg

****this is all very rough


I did not come from
your rib

and we are not

I did come for you

to sink into

like a ten pound

the water

and unhook your

in my hands

and pull it heavy
into me

like a wave.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Erasure Assignment

A Re-Enactment

also known as

an explosive device

was a self-sacrificing 

he could have done

but he followed his

which worked

in a more dangerous

it's difficult to believe he's gone. 

This is my erasure from an obituary that ran in June of 2008 in the Elkhart Truth. I'm not really fond of this poem, but I do like the idea of Jesus being an explosive device. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Static Line

you ever
the one
the guy
fell from
the sky
some violent
being kicked
of heaven
Jesus Christ
you know

one that
with him
the nightly
we idly
he begins
the world


a time

a time






the joke's on you.

Assignment: This is the poem I chose as one that I don't think is as successful as others I have written. I've been working on this one for almost two years now, and I just don't think I have it yet. The breaks never seems quite right, and the second stanza I think could be worded differently. I have omitted the last line several times, but added it back in for this assignment just to show what I'm working with. I'm trying to create the sensation of falling from the sky, but by doing so I read this poem extremely fast when I say it out loud. Maybe one day I will wake up and figure out what needs to be done, but as for now I play around with this one every other month or so...


I’ve seen pictures
that I wasn’t supposed to see

taken near the edge
of a burning poppy field

men dressed in white


bullet holes exiting the
left       or         right

sides of their heads

brown skin
blending in with the ground

and you kneeling down
next to them

like it’s the first day
of shotgun season

and you just bagged
a ten pointer

but it’s not even November

and this is not like
the stuff they show in the movies

this looks real

because it is

or maybe because you’re

to me

even though this isn’t you
in some sense

this is another universe
and we don’t even know each other

and I don’t even have to love the man
in this picture

but I do

need to ask
what was said before this was taken

Just one more, I wasn’t smiling in that last one?

Assignment: So I think this poem works because I just wrote it, and it's midnight...but also because I can hear my voice in this one, you know? I feel like the line breaks are in the right places to accurately represent my persona in this piece, and I think the language feels clean to the point that it does what it needs to do without weighing the poem down.